If you are not sure if this blog will have content that appeals to you, then just follow this link to my Spotify playlist (I just figured out how to make a playlist this week). If this music makes you want to dance and if you think you know most of the words (don't worry you don't really need to know them) and if dancing and singing these in public has ever or would embarrass your children in public, then you should definitely be subscribed to this blog. If you simply aspire to having children to embarrass one day, you are welcome, too. And Red Sox fans.
If you don't have Spotify, then you aren't as cool as me but if you have a child they can show you (like I have Sarah Hunt) .... or there is a really easy prompt to sign up for free using your Facebook or email. (Mom -- just call Sarah or Elizabeth)
https://open.spotify.com/user/ sarah.hunt19/playlist/ 4a3ca1PgI5tQtwPs08Rp6K?si=- DbI3uWxQ_CYUwmUCBYuBw
If you don't have Spotify, then you aren't as cool as me but if you have a child they can show you (like I have Sarah Hunt) .... or there is a really easy prompt to sign up for free using your Facebook or email. (Mom -- just call Sarah or Elizabeth)
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